About Jim Clipper Clarke

This is not about hairdressing, sheep shearing or pruning roses.

Jim Clarke from Bramhall, Stockport, England is 57 and retired from Barclays Bank. Jim enjoys a challenge. Last year he took part in the Coast to Coast Walk and decided that he needed a bigger challenge in 2011 so this year instead of putting his feet up and doing the garden Jim is participating in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.

In the Race ten boats representing different countries sail 40000 miles around the world. The 68 foot racing yachts each have a crew of eighteen and Jim has been allocated to the Derry-Londonderry boat. Jim has opted for the 4000 mile leg across the Indian Ocean.

Sailing from South Africa to Western Australia should certainly provide the challenge that Jim is looking for. The global race begins in July. Jim’s 4000 mile voyage starts from Cape Town in the first week of October. Before then he will complete several weeks of gruelling training to prepare him for the 25 day test of endurance. Jim is a complete novice to sailing and all the hardships involved in competing in such an arduous event. So why sailing?  Jim explained his reasons for taking part – and it is not just about the challenge.

“My wife, Viola and four grown up children thought I should take it easy after working in computers with Barclays Bank for 28 years. However, I wanted to support a local charity and chose Stockport MIND. I have some personal experience as my younger brother, Paul, tragically committed suicide in 1997. Mental health issues don’t get the exposure they deserve so this is my opportunity to support the marvellous work carried out by MIND.”

Jim is paying ALL the costs of this challenge himself and ALL sponsorship monies raised will go to Stockport MIND.

Jim has a Justgiving page http://www.justgiving.com/Jim-Clarke and all donations large or small will be gratefully received.

There are ten boats representing different countries involved in the 39,000 mile Round the World Clipper Race. The 68 foot racing yachts will each have a crew of eighteen and Jim has been allocated to the Derry-Londonderry Clipper. Training involves 32 days of intensive preparation based at Gosport. All training has been paid for by Jim himself.

In 2013 Derry-Londonderry is the nominated to be a City of Culture and recently Jim crewed on the 680 mile launch voyage delivering the boat from Gosport to its home port. A Civic reception was held where the guest speaker was the inspirational Sir Steve Redgrave.

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1 Response to About Jim Clipper Clarke

  1. Mike Auton says:

    Hey Jim,

    Just wanted to say what a totally fab thing this is to do, both from a personal experience perspective and the charity you are supporting. 4,000 miles is a gruelling passage and it will have its challenges’ for sure, but it will leave you with a memory you will always treasure and an achievement to be justifiably proud of

    I have little money to offer in support, but I do have time and will gladly help out in any way I can. Just ask.

    Very best

    Mike Auton

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